Grow Strong
Immersion Experience

Grow Strong retreats are a sacred journey towards becoming
who you are called to be.

Are you ready to be embrace your unique and beautiful self?

This experience includes delicious whole food plant-based meals, rejuvenating therapeutic movement, individualized healing/bodywork sessions, earth-based skills, meditation, a sauna/cold plunge experience, personalized art, deep conversation and more.

Abby Carl
Trauma Therapist, Fitness and Wellness Coach

Abby brings her passion of reclaiming your sacred space through movement and trauma work. Reclaim your true self as Abby guides you with her decades of experience in bodywork, healing, fitness and nutrition.

Over the course of this weekend, Abby will create a nurturing environment where movement, communication and earth connection are at the heart of her work. Prepare to dive deep into personal growth while surrounded by the beauty of nature and nourished by wholesome, delicious food.

~Healing Sessions: Abby will lead personalized healing sessions designed to facilitate growth and self-discovery.

~Movement: Engage in physical movement and playful exploration, fostering a sense of strength, freedom and joy in the body.

~Nourishment: Enjoy healthy whole food meals that support your body, mind and spirit throughout the retreat.

~Connection with Nature: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of your surroundings. Feel the support available as you deepen your connection with the earth.

This retreat is a unique opportunity to step away from the everyday hustle and focus on your personal journey towards wholeness and authenticity. Whether you are seeking healing, inspiration, or a deeper connection with yourself, this retreat is the perfect space to make this a reality!

Emily Carlquist
Art Therapist and Fiber Artist

Immerse yourself in the soothing art of weaving while exploring the powerful intersection of color theory and emotional wellbeing.

Emily was born and raised in the Southwest, surrounded by skilled quilters, crocheters, and weavers. Her weekends spent hiking in and around Navajo territory instilled a deep appreciation for handwoven creations from a young age. Emily moved to the Pacific Northwest to attend Fairhaven College, where she graduated with a degree titled "Women’s Empowerment: Community Development Through Fiber Arts."

This self-designed program allowed her to merge her passion for social justice with artistic expression.

She now teaches mixed media and fiber arts at Five Acre School, supporting the social-emotional wellbeing of children through creative expression and play.

~Color Therapy: Discover how to use Inna Segal’s color theory to enhance your emotional wellbeing.

~Polyvagal Theory: Gain insights from Steven Porges and Deb Dana’s Polyvagal Theory to understand how weaving and color can soothe your nervous system.

~Creative Expression: Create beautiful woven pieces that serve as a physical representation of your inner transformation.

Blending artistic creation with personal growth and emotional healing, Emily's guidance will help you explore and express your creativity in meaningful and powerful ways.

Nicole Berry
Photographer and Stylist

With decades of experience in the fashion and photography industry, Nicole will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and expression through the art of dress.

This unique experience is designed for those who wish to explore the profound connection between how we dress and the life we aspire to live. Nicole will share her invaluable expertise and passion for dressing for oneself, creating a space where you can discover and embody your true nature.

~Inspiring Workshop: Engage in an insightful session with Nicole, where she will reveal the secrets of dressing for oneself and the powerful impact it can have on your life.

~Practical Styling Tips: Learn practical styling tips tailored to your unique personality and aspirations.

~Photography Sessions: Experience the magic of being captured through Nicole's lens, as she creates a portrait that reflects your authentic self.

~Personal Growth: Embrace the joy and confidence that comes from aligning your outward appearance with your inner truth.

At the end of this enriching weekend, you'll take home a stunning portrait of yourself—an embodiment of your truth and the work you've done during the retreat.

This keepsake will serve as a reminder of the journey you've embarked upon and the life you are ready to embrace.

We look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you.
Embrace the opportunity to Grow Strong and become who you are called to be.

Reach out to directly for more information regarding availability!